“Lupii gheții” de Amie Kaufman (recenzie)

• Titlul original: “Ice Wolves”

• Autor: Amie Kaufman

• Serie: “Elementals”

• Volum: I

• Editura: Corint

• Imprint: Corint Junior

• An publicație: 2021

• Număr pagini: 368

• Traducere de Sorin Petrescu

Rayna și Anders sunt doi orfani, gemeni, în vârstă de 12 ani care trăiesc de pe o zi pe alta cu ceea ce le iese în cale. Fură de-ale gurii pentru a supraviețui, având mereu grijă unul de celălalt. Chiar și atunci când Anders este pe cale să fie acuzat de furt, Rayna găsește o soluție salvatoare, care are un deznodământ neașteptat. Cei doi află că sunt elementali, din tabere diferite, Rayna este un dragon, iar Anders este un lup, aceștia fiind dușmani de moarte. Viața lor ia o cu totul altă turnură de cât se așteptau ei, iar Anders se vede nevoit să o salveze pe Rayna, așa cum ea de multe ori l-a salvat…

Rayna este un personaj impulsiv, acționează fără a avea un plan, neținând cont de pericolele care se pot ivi, iar Anders mereu se vede prins în situații critice, de multe ori din cauza surorii sale, Rayna. Într-un fel sau altul, cei doi se completează perfect, unde unul are un minus, celălalt plusează, iar acest lucru balansează relația dintre ei. M-a înduioșat legătura lor și mi-ar fi plăcut să am parte și de perspectiva Raynei, să pot observa mai bine gândirea și sentimentele sale, dar am fost lăsată să le interpretez prin viziunea lui Anders.

Lisabet mi-a fost tare dragă și a fost primul personaj secundar care mi-a câștigat încrederea, bucurându-mă pentru Anders că a acceptat-o alături de el, că într-un fel, revenea la ea si-i cerea ajutorul la nevoie, dar mai ales am apreciat-o pentru curiozitatea sa de a afla mai multe. Căci multe secrete învăluiau povestea dintre lupi și dragoni, de ce au ajuns în impasul din prezent, dacă înainte reușeau să colaboreze și să se ajute, ce anume a stricat această relație până-n punctul de a se vâna unii pe ceilalți, de a se proteja, devenind inamici din aliați.

Viktoria, Det, Sakarias, Mateo și Jai completează grupul format în cadrul academiei și care l-au acceptat pe Anders în mijlocul lor, fiecare aducând o anumită contribuție micii haite. Au fost simpatici de urmărit, s-au susținut reciproc la nevoie, chiar s-au îndrumat în ciuda diferențelor dintre ei și cum nerăbdătoare să aflu cum va evolua prietenia dintre ei, ținând cont de cum s-a încheiat acest prim volum.

Un prim volum captivant, cu un univers magic nemaiîntâlnit, un mister împăienjenit de secrete și minciuni, doi frați diferiți, dar uniți de o legare mult mai puternică, prietenii neobișnuite, o aventură care prinde de la început până la sfârșit. Vă recomand cu drag să citiți acest prim volum, îl găsiți aici pe site-ul celor de la Cartepedia, eu cu siguranță voi citi toată seria!

“El oraculo del tiempo” by “C.A. Todorova (review)

• Original title: “El oraculo del tiempo”

• Author: C.A. Todorova

• Series: “El principe heredero”

• Volume: IV

• Publishing house: Circulo Rojo

• Publishing year: 2023

• Number of pages: 766

Only two months have passed since the events of the third volume concluded, and this fourth volume has started off as well as it possibly could, diving straight into the emotions, at least for me. I was somehow anticipating the moment, as I sat in fear of the worst, but I feel relieved that things have fallen into place in such a way that I can be at ease, even if only for a short time.

I was eager to dive into the story, having started the volume just a few days after finishing the third, but at the same time, I was terrified, aware that things would happen with which I would disagree and that would break my heart, once again. Yet I told myself I was strong and would handle it with grace… well, I am weak, and although I didn’t cry my eyes out, it still hit me hard and devastated me because I didn’t expect what I read, even though I had anticipated some events.

There were moments when everything was so beautiful and peaceful, enjoying the serenity, when suddenly… bang, chaos ensued, all the peace was disrupted, and I was thrust into a crazy race of battles and tension, fearing for the lives of the characters once again, and I began praying that nothing would happen to them, otherwise I would lose it… Not to say I didn’t, but still, I’m a peaceful person, so I want some chill… This volume exploded with action and kept me on the edge of my seat with every page turned, even my sweat was induced by the tension, as if I had taken part in the characters’ battles and not just watched them from the couch.

I enjoyed both the present moments of the characters and their small memories, allowing me to form a much broader opinion and to appreciate them more than I had before; I got to know them very well and understand each action, although I didn’t agree with all of them, unfortunately. However, I realized that’s just how things go, and that’s how they should be, so I resigned myself. I became attached to each character to varying degrees, and it pains me to have to part with them now, but I will definitely return to the series in the future to reread it, to reunite with my favorite characters.

Each character suffered, whether it was a loss or betrayal, the feeling of being sidelined and neglected, albeit not intentionally, but to ensure their necessary protection. Despite their hardships, all the characters demonstrated how strong they are and the tight, almost unbreakable bond that was forged between them, showing the extent of sacrifices they are willing to make for their loved ones. It’s a bond based on trust, support, respect, acceptance, but above all, love.

I sensed the couples forming throughout the story and I can’t express how thrilled I was when I noticed the long-held feelings being expressed and they allowed themselves to be vulnerable. They allowed themselves to share moments of love and affection during that time of war, full of dangers and threats. My heart burst with joy and I giggled like a teenager whenever a coveted kiss appeared… oh, how you stirred me with love, Cristina… you gave it to me bit by bit, but when you did, oh boy…

I particularly adored Valikia and Gavin; despite their constant bickering and teasing each other in their own special way, which brought a smile to my face, when it comes to confrontations, they complement each other perfectly. It seems opposites attract, right? Or maybe they truly form a couple worth watching… And I chuckled and exploded with delight watching them.

Djaka, like Alastair, despite the arrogance that characterized her, surprised me immensely with her actions; I didn’t see them coming, and she showed me that for the beloved, any sacrifice is worthwhile, even risking losing them, as long as you know they are happy, even without you. I came to appreciate her and, at the same time, feel sorry for the fate she had, hoping that things would turn out well for her, but it seems it was a vain hope…

Ayla, too, won me over and became one of my favorite characters in the series, wishing for her more than the story offered her. My heart ached for all she endured, and I wished I could offer her solace, even more than that, but it was beyond my capabilities, unfortunately. It seemed to me that she was the most tortured character, considering her past, and I wished for her to have something beautiful.

Two other secondary characters who earned my admiration were Tarvo and Connor, not only for the support they offered to Jay, but also for their behavior and mutual support. Reserved in actions and gestures, they were more than they let on, and I truly enjoyed their brief appearances.

As much as I adored Caedra throughout the series, she frustrated me greatly in this volume with her indecisiveness. In a way, I understood her, considering the situations she had been through, but on the other hand, I wanted to shake her, to gather the courage necessary to own up to her feelings and not be so hesitant, partly aware of how much she hurt those around her. However, Jay and Alastair really surprised me; I didn’t expect some things from Jay, and I “smelled” Alastair’s actions, so it wasn’t such a big surprise, but it was a small shock how Cristina chose to end the story for the three characters. It was a real surprise…

Each character had an impact on the others, big or small, and their relationships evolved from one volume to another, which is most strongly felt here, as unexpected feelings arise and doubts appear. Their relationships spark jealousy, but at the same time, appreciation; they experienced betrayals, unforeseen situations, betrayed trust, but also support and understanding when needed.

A final volume done right: fast-paced, loaded with shocking and unexpected moments, a plethora of emotions, deception, lies, sacrifices, battle scenes, and much more. A series that captivates with each volume read, compelling you to wholeheartedly attach yourself to the characters, to feel close to them, as if they were real…

I can’t wait to read more titles by you, Cristina, and I’m thrilled that I discovered you through Delia, adding another series to my favorites list!